
Boarding Packages - Kennel

Boarding Packages

Peak Period Pricing: An additional $5/night will be added to your boarding base rate during Peak Periods.
Peak season dates include any major holidays and local school breaks. Please call for more information!

Daycare Pricing And Packages

Spa Services

Exit Bath | Small Dog | Short-Haired: $15.5

Exit Bath | Small Dog | Long-Haired: $20.5

Exit Bath | Med/Lrg | Short-Haired: $25.5

Exit Bath | Med/Lrg | Long-Haired: $30.5

Exit Bath | XL | Short-Haired: $36

Exit Bath | XL | Long-Haired: $51

Dog Grooming
Yellow lab sitting in grass looking up.

Daycare & Train

10 session package: $922.50    

Private Lessons

(At Wescott Acres Luxury Pet Resort)

Training follow-up session: $52.50

Private lesson: $104.50

Puppy sniffing at treat held by person
Dogs in training

Group Classes

Puppy Obedience Group 6-week: $154.00

Basic Obedience Group 6-Week : $154.00

Intermediate Obedience Group 6-Week : $164.00